March 8, 2012
I survived Marni madness at a special shopping event last night previewing the Marni for H & M collection, which hit stores (and will probably be sold out!) today. I went with Anthony, my co-worker and style partner in crime, and because he got there early…we were about tenth in line.
As they started to let people in one-by-one, we watched as they scooped up pretty much anything they could and I think that set off a bit of a frenzied mentality for the rest of us in line.
When I got in, they were already out of my sizes in the first couple of things I picked up, so I started to look at the jewelry, which was all in boxes and realized I didn’t have time to actually open the boxes and look at everything or it would all be gone. So I just started grabbing what I could before it was too late!
As more and more people were let into the store…you could feel the competitiveness intensify. No one was aggressive or rude, it was all very organized and civilized, but people were definitely snatching up whatever they could. As someone here said to me this morning, it must have looked like a scene from “Supermarket Sweep”!
Anthony and I (and many, many others!) were walking around with piles of clothes and accessories that we accumulated! The one thing I wanted most was a pair of silver rope flat sandals and I got them!!!!
The line for the dressing room was too long, so we just started trying on stuff in the store and ended up bonding with a couple of people, who were doing the same.
I tried on a black patent leather jacket with navy knit sleeves, which Anthony loved. I was he
sitant, because at $199, it’s the most expensive thing in the collection. I did end up buying it though and am wearing it today!
I also got a green print sleeveless top, a tote bag in the same print, a scarf, a couple of necklaces and a couple of bracelets. I bought a silk pajama shirt that’s a size too big (anyone got a size 4?), but other shoppers were like vultures, asking me if I was gonna buy it or not, so I just decided it was better to buy it. I can always have it altered!
The one thing that really got away from me, was a very cool and very Marni silk and knit polka dot cardigan. Oh man, I wanted that thing so bad, but it was gone, gone, gone!
So was most of the collection, which includes clothing and accessories for both men and women, with prices starting at $9.95. Despite them bringing out more items and trying to replenish the stock, it didn’t take long until the shelves were entirely bare.
Which is why it took over an hour of waiting in the checkout line to pay. People were buying big-time and they were buying A LOT. One woman in front of us spent $3700! I didn’t spend anywhere near that, but I did still spend a chunk o’change. I got quite a few pieces though, so it was a lot of bang for my buck.
Now…I just need to go on Ebay to look for the sweater I missed out on. I’m sure it’s probably already going for two or three times the price. Still, that’s a bargain when you consider how much the designer stuff would go for!
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