The Sōkai Jōhō Variety Sukkiri television series' "All Entertainment Quiz" segment aired footage from the upcoming live-action Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban) film this week. The footage features Hiroki Narimiya (Gokusen's Noda, NANA's Nobu, Akihabara @ DEEP's Page) in his role as Phoenix Wright (Ryuichi Naruhodo). It also has Takumi Saitō (RoboGeisha, Princess Princess D) as prosecutor Miles Edgeworth (Reiji Mitsurugi) and Mirei Kiritani (Arakawa under the Bridge's Nino) as Maya Fey (Mayoi Ayasato). Takashi Miike's film adaptation of CAPCOM's videogame franchise will take place in a parallel Japan, where a large increase in harsh crimes has led to a new court system. Under this new system, the defense attorney and public prosecutor have three days to battle cases out in open court to determine guilt or innocence of the accused, placing priority on speed instead of thorough investigation. The film will open in Japan on February 11. SOURCE Do I also spot Dee Vasquez, Blue Badger, Manifred Von Karma, Gumshoe, and Mia Fey?...
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