Immortals B-Roll Footage
THIS IS A SCREENCAP! DON'T CLICK! I'm having all sorts of embed problems tonight! HENRY CAVILL TALKS SUPERMAN For over fifty years, the comic book hero Superman, has been a part of pop culture. Whether it was on television or the big screen, each generation had a different and beloved actor playing the role of Superman, from the 1950′s television series starring George Reeves, to the 1970′s to 1980′s Superman films played by the late Christopher Reeves, to this decade's Brandon Routh. Now, Henry Cavill, who is the new Superman, is currently filming Man of Steel, the reboot of the Superman film franchise. Cavill has a wealth of materials from which to research the character of Superman. However, he told us that his research comes from the original source of Superman where it all started, the comic books. Cavill also told us that every day he is filming, he is learning something new about the iconic character, and when it's all said and done, in twenty years he hopes his portrayal of the Man of Steel will be remembered like those who played Superman in the past. (Click on the audio player to hear Henry Cavill) Go to source for audio; embedding was not an option. Thanks Fox, you fuckers. Man of Steel opens in theatres June, 2013. In the meantime, you can see Cavill in the action film Immortals which opens November 11th. 8 Clips from IMMORTALS Starring Henry Cavill and Mickey Rourke We've been provided with eight clips from The Fall director Tarsem Singh's new film Immortals. The pic centers on Theseus (Henry Cavill), a mortal, who teams up with the Greek gods in order to defeat the power-hungry King Hyperion (Mickey Rourke). Instead of depicting the gods as ginormous otherworldly creatures, Singh has taken a different route and instead the gods take the form of chiseled immortal beings that don't look dissimilar from humans. The film also stars Freida Pinto, Luke Evans, Isabel Lucas, Joseph Morgan, Kellan Lutz, and Stephen Dorff. Immortals opens in 3D on November 11th and we'll have exclusive interviews with the cast the week of release. Hit the jump to watch the clips. Click here if the video doesn't embed; I've had problems with Collider videos before My apologies for all of the embed issues, if you have them. I played with all the copied codes and I still can't get them to show up in my preview screen. The internet hates me tonight :( SOURCE 1 SOURCE 2 SOURCE 3
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