December 6, 2011
Dear Santa:
You're the king of making a list and checking it twice, but this holiday season I've come up with my own list!
While hitting the holiday sales, I spent an awful lot of time people-watching and I checked off some fashion fabulous ladies and lots of fashion faux pas!
Here's what's naughty and nice in my style book.
Ankle Bracelets
Muffin Tops
Tramp stamps
Multiple piercings
Orange "tans"
Obvious hair extensions
"Crunchy" hair from too much product
Long acrylic nails
Short manicures
Soft waves
Chic ballerina buns
Classic red lips
Slick pony tails
Subtle perfume
Natural-looking makeup
Groomed brows
Have you been naughty or nice this year? Or maybe a little bit of both? Is it just me, or does it seem like Snooki's style pretty much dominates the entire Naughty list? LOL!
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