November 16, 2011
“It’s already begun. Christmas non-stop.” That’s the email I got yesterday from one of my co-workers letting me know a local radio station started playing holiday songs 24/7. I feel like I always say this, but I swear, the Christmas Holiday season starts earlier and earlier every year.
No Bah, Humbugs from me, I’m no Scrooge or the Grinch, I LOVE Christmas! But even I am bothered by how celebrating the holidays has spread from December to November and now October. (Poor Thanksgiving has completely gotten lost in the shuffle!)
I went to the Los Angeles shopping complex, The Grove, on the weekend BEFORE Halloween and they were already putting up the massive Christmas Tree. A couple of little displays here or there doesn’t bother me so much…but a 110-foot tree, plus Santa’s Cottage (he’s already open for business) and a life-size Santa and sleigh flying over the Grove’s big pond, well, that’s holiday’d-to-the-hilt.
My husband joked that soon we’ll start celebrating Christmas in July. At the rate things are going, I’d say that he’s not that far off! Fireworks and eggnog, oh boy, can’t wait!
I complained about the Christmas tree going up so early to my boss and he said, well, they are doing that because retailers really need the business during the tough economy. Point taken, but couldn’t we at least get past Halloween?
I love Nordstrom. Every year they hold off putting up holiday decorations until Black Friday. How refreshing! Santa—can we have more of that!?
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