First Lady Michelle Obama sent out a call to action for kids (and their parents) to get in shape with her "Let's Move!" campaign.
Taking a cue from Mrs. Obama, the folks over at Everyday Health want adults to get moving with their "I Heart Summer Slim-Down Challenge."
Don't let the last days of summer (sigh) be an excuse to start slacking on the exercise front. After all, who doesn't want to look fabulous at all those Labor Day beach parties? "The 'I Heart Summer Slim-Down Challenge' is a great way to shape up before the Labor Day weekend and use the power of positive peer pressure to be healthy," state the folks over at Everyday Health.
The "I Heart Summer Slim-Down Challenge" kicks off August 15 (today). Participants need to complete the six goals listed below for two weeks.
6 Goals:
1. Log Your Calories:
Set your daily calorie budget with the BMI calculator first, then track, track, track. Studies show that by simply writing down what you eat, you will eat less.
Goal: 1 Log in/day
2. Veg Out:
The USDA's new nutritional guidelines recommend filling half you plate at every meal with vegetables and fruits, and the other half with whole grains and protein.
Goal 2: 1 "Plate" of fruits and vegetable/day
3. Put Down The Pop:
For two weeks, cut all soda out of your diet. Even diet soda has been linked to weight gain and obesity.
Goal: Limit: 0 sodas/day
4. Get Moving:
Aerobic exercise burns fat, and improves your overall health. It doesn't matter what you do, just get your heart rate pumping.
Goal: 120 minutes/week (or just 30 minutes 4x/week)
5. Pump Up the Pushups:
It's time to tone! Pushups are one of the best all-over strengthening moves out there! Work your arms, shoulders, and chest daily with this simple exercise.
Goal: 10 Pushups/day
6. Tone Your Tummy:
Strengthen your core, and flatten your stomach with daily situps. They're the first step to a beach-ready body!
Goal: 25 situps/day
Join the "I Heart Summer Slim-Down Challenge," here.
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